👁️ Caloric Wrap-Up | Perspective #39.5

How do I use calories to manage my weight?

Welcome Viewer,

What is the purpose of life if it is not to live well and long? To live the good life, we must care for our meat vehicle through the energy we spend and consume. If we negate our body's basic requirements, we’ll lack the calm, energy and body we desire. But the power to be healthier and feel better is always within our grasp.

We began Counting Calories in Perspective #37, then explored Eating Calories in Edition #38 and Burning Calories in Perspective #39. Today, we bring it all together. 


  1. The Wrap-Up: 10 Key Takeaways 🗝️

  2. Q&A: Caloric Beliefs & Misbeliefs 🧐 

  3. Case Study: How I Ran a ½ Ultra Marathon 🏃🏾‍♂️

“In today’s world, we do not need to wear our calories.”


  1. Calculate your Metabolic Rate (BMR)

  2. Track your calories to know how much to eat

  3. Schedule 🗓️ your mealtimes. Prep your meals.

  4. Eat more high-quality protein.

    25%—30% of the calories in protein are used for digestion and absorption (thermic effect 🔥).

  5. Cook instead of ordering out

  6. Go for a walk after a meal
    Burn calories on two fronts (digestion & walking)

  7. Keep your body moving 
    ⬆️ NEAT: non-exercise activity thermogenesis (+ Exercise > Eat)

  8. Weight train to build lean muscle mass and avoid sarcopenia
    Muscles burn calories

  9. Read the nutrition label 

  10. Burn more Calories than you Eat to lose weight
    Eat more than you burn to gain weight

Q&A 🙋🏼‍♀️

㆒ Does Counting calories really work?

 Yes, counting calories works for weight management because it creates awareness about food intake and energy expenditure.

Sara, who counts calories, and Matt, who doesn't, take different paths to fitness. Sara's meticulous tracking helps her understand food's nutritional content, leading to steady progress toward her weight goals. Matt enjoys flexibility but faces inconsistent results, suggesting structured tracking might offer an edge in achieving specific fitness objectives. Their experiences highlight that success in weight management varies by individual, underscoring the importance of aligning strategies with personal preferences and goals.

㆓ Can I eat what I want as long as I exercise?

Partially true. While exercise allows for greater flexibility in diet, eating without regard to nutrition can counteract exercise benefits.

Professional athletes, for example, can often eat more due to high-calorie burns but still focus on balanced diets to maintain fitness. Once they retire and their activity levels decrease without adjusting their diet, weight gain is common. It's about finding the right balance between caloric intake and expenditure.

㆔ Will a caloric deficit of 3500 per week help me lose 1 pound?

Generally, yes. The concept of losing 1 pound of weight through a 3,500-calorie deficit is a simplification but provides a rough guideline.

Metabolic rates and individual body responses can vary, making the actual rate of weight loss more complex. As you lose weight, your body requires fewer calories, leading to a diminishing rate of weight loss over time. A daily deficit of 500 calories is a common approach but should be adjusted based on individual progress and metabolic changes.

㆕ Does sleep and hydration play major roles in caloric management?

Absolutely, lack of sleep and hydration lowers your metabolic rate and makes you feel hungry. Therefore, you will eat more calories while burning less.

Sleep and hydration are crucial components of effective caloric management. Inadequate sleep can disrupt hormonal balances, specifically increasing ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and decreasing leptin (the satiety hormone), which may lead to increased appetite and caloric intake.

How I Ran a ½ Ultra Marathon in 36 Hours

Inspired by David Goggins in 2020, I’ve run 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours to start March. This was no different, except I ran at least 5 miles.

In the End…

Total Miles: 67.62 miles
Calories Burned Per Mile: 125 kcal

#1 Counting Accuracy

Which tool can help you most accurately track the calories in homemade meals?

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What is My Metabolic Rate?

The Science of a Calorimeter

How do food scientists know how much energy is in food items? Watch the video below to find out.

Use the Label

  1. Start with Serving Size

    • Find the serving size at the top of the label. This indicates the amount typically consumed in one sitting.

  2. Check Total Calories

    • Look at the calories per serving. This helps you understand how much energy you're getting from each serving.

  3. Use This Information

    • Compare labels to choose healthier options based on caloric needs.

Train With Overman 📲

Plan your meals and calories for performance or weight management. Learn how to eat with Expert Coaching and our Fitness Companion App.

In This Series ⛰️

Challenges in this series included:

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Next Week: OZEMPIC | The Perspective #40

LEARN: What are Semaglutides?
FOCUS: History, Benefits, Side-effects

Next Series: MACRONUTRIENTS | The Perspective #41-44

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