👁️ Burning Calories | The Perspective #39

How do I burn more calories?

Welcome Viewers,

Today, I’ll take you through a day in my life, not just through words but through the calories I burn, the paths I tread, and the discipline that shapes my routine. It’s a narrative of movement, dedication, and the silent, constant effort to be better than yesterday.

In Perspective #37, we Counted Calories and then explored Eating Calories in Edition #38.

Lookahead 👀

  1. How many calories do you burn?

  2. 10 Weird Ways to Burn Calories

  3. Weekly Challenge: 7 Days Caloric Crusher

23 time Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps, consumed up to 10,000 calories a day while training 6 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Source: IOC

During my busiest days, I was in motion from 5:25 a.m. to ~11 p.m. Walk with me through a typical day when I worked, lived, and trained in the land of the Rising Sun 🇯🇵.

Morning Miles 👟: My alarm doesn’t go off; I’m up 5 minutes earlier to do 500+ push-ups, then dips. This is followed by a ~30-minute run and 15 minutes of stretches. Miles in, Mind cleared, and Calories burned: ~500.

Commute 🚶🏾‍♂️: In and out of stations, up and down stairs, avoiding the escalators and elevator, into corridors of bright smiles and brighter futures, another ~200 Calories burned.

Work-Life 🙋🏻‍♀️: For the next 8 hours, my focus shifts to listening, thinking, planning, and presenting—mental endurance takes the forefront. Even while seated, I burn ~700 Calories.

Evening Hustle 🚊: Post-work, I reverse the walking and commuting, unwinding another ~200 Calories.

Night’s Fun 🤩: After my first bite, I enter Blows, my MMA gym, where I refine my skills, push my limits, and burn up to ~2000 Calories.

Sleep 💤 : On average, six hours in the quiet of the night is never enough. But my body recuperates, muscles repair, and the mind rests while burning ~400 Calories.

Each part of my day, every motion and gesture, requires energy. The more calories I spend, the more my body wants to burn. Though I am often tired and aching, I love the feeling of best effort every day 🔥.

Total Calories burned ~4000.

10 Weird Ways to Burn Calories

  1. Sleeping Burns Calories: The body continues to burn calories even during sleep to sustain vital functions like breathing and repairing cells. On average, a person burns about 0.42 calories for every pound of body weight per hour of sleep. For a 150-pound person, that's roughly 63 calories an hour!

  2. Laughing Can Help: Laughing improves your mood and burns calories. Approximately 10-15 minutes of laughter can burn between 10 to 40 calories.

  3. Cold Temperatures Boost Calorie Burn: Being cold can increase calorie burn because the body works harder to maintain its core temperature. Shivering can burn about 100 calories in 15 minutes.

  4. Fidgeting Adds Up: Small movements like fidgeting can significantly increase your daily calorie burn.

  5. Spicy Foods Can Temporarily Increase Metabolism: Capsaicin, found in chilli peppers, can slightly boost your metabolism, leading to increased calorie burn.

  6. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Is Incredibly Efficient: HIIT workouts burn calories quickly and increase your metabolic rate for hours after the workout, a phenomenon known as "afterburn.”

  7. Muscle Mass Matters: Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue. Increasing muscle mass helps boost your resting metabolic rate (RMR) as you burn calories throughout the day.

  8. Drinking Cold Water Can Help: Drinking cold water can temporarily speed up metabolism. The body uses energy to heat the water to the body. Drinking water before meals can also make you feel fuller, potentially leading to fewer calories eaten.

  9. The Body Burns Calories Even When Doing Nothing: Essentially, even when you're doing nothing at all, your body is quietly at work, utilizing energy to keep you alive and functioning. 

  10. Having Sex: On average, sexual activity burns about 3 to 4 calories per minute. A 30-minute session could burn upwards of 100 calories or more.

Common Activities to Burn kCals

  1. Walking Stairs 🦶🏾

  2. Swimming 🏊🏼‍♀️

  3. Biking 🚴‍♀️

  4. Running 🏃🏾‍♂️

  5. Anything You Love Doing‼️

Metabolic Equivalent of Task

MET, or Metabolic Equivalent of Task, estimates the number of calories burned during different activities.

  • Light activities have values of less than <3

    • ~250 kcal/day

  • Moderate activities have values of 3 to 6

    • ~400 kcal/day

  • Vigorous activities have values >6

    • ~650 kcal/day

1 MET equals 3.5 ml of oxygen per kg per minute.

How Many Calories Do You Burn?

To know your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), or Total Calories Burned, calculate your 1. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), add it to your 2. Non-Exercising Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT), and add your 3. Daily Exercise (DE).

Total Calories Burned

  1. Calculate BMR: Use the equation (below) to input your age, weight, height, and sex.

  • This is the energy your body needs to work properly, including respiration, blood circulation, digestion and body temperature.

(BMR) Mifflin-St Joer Equation for Males

(BMR) Mifflin-St Joer Equation for Females

2. Estimate NEAT: Use METs to factor in the nature of your job, lifestyle, and non-exercise activities.

Non-exercising activity thermogenesis

3. Calculate DE: Use METs for specific exercises multiplied by the individual's weight and then divided by the duration to estimate the calories burned during daily exercise.


There is no shortage of apps and trackers for tracking your daily activities and calories. Understanding the workings of Calories In and Calories Out makes weight management easier and exercise more enjoyable.

Train With Overman 📲

Plan Your Meals and calories for performance or weight management. Learn what to eat with Expert Coaching and our Fitness Companion App.

Weekly Challenge ⛰️
7-Day Caloric Crusher

Try this week’s weekly physical challenge. Adjust each day to your situation. Click the image to grab your copy. Check the boxes as you complete each workout.

Click the image to save a copy

Comment to tell us how you did.

Next Week: Caloric Wrap-Up | The Perspective #39.5

Focus: Monthly Wrap-Up 
Trivia: Check your knowledge

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