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- 👁️ Your Best SLEEP Ever | The Perspective #45
👁️ Your Best SLEEP Ever | The Perspective #45
Read until the end for...The 1 Sleep Book You Should Read 💤
Welcome Viewer,
After a long day extended into the night, often, all I want to do is sleep. If food is fuel for the body, then rest is nourishment for the brain.
If I had to choose between a solid night of Sleep or great Sex, I would choose Sleep. The former is a necessity; the latter is an excellent calorie burner, breathing exercise, and overall — good fun 😊.
Societally, Sleep is not a priority. Therefore, sleep-deprived, we are feins on caffeine and filled with pills.
In Edition #45, explore how to fall into Your Best Sleep Ever.
P.S. Read until the end for…The 1 Sleep Book 📚You Should Read.

Today’s Lookahead
SLEEP 101: Theories, States, Disorders…
OVE’s Guide: Your Best Sleep
Mindful Minute: 4-7-8 Whine-Down
Workout: 10-Minute Night Stretch
If you live until 75 and spent an average 8 hours per night sleeping, you would spend 25 years asleep.
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SLEEP 101 💤
SLEEP Theories
Sleep is a mystery to Scientists — we do not know why we sleep. We know that without sleep, our lives are short-lived. There are several theories on why we sleep:
Restoration — Sleep restores and rejuvenates the body & brain
Adaptation — Sleep evolved to minimize danger at night
Conservation — Instead of hunting, sleeping saved energy
Brain Plasticity — Sleep is crucial for brain development
Information Consolidation — Sleep is critical for learning & stabilizing memories
To feel rested, you need a lot of DEEP SLEEP.
To dream, you need to stay in REM SLEEP.
Stages of Sleep
There are 2 phases & 4 stages we cycle through multiple times a night:
Non Rapid Eye Movement NREM (75-80%)
Stage 1: Easily awakened — Light Sleep
Stage 2: Brain waves slowed — Delta Waves
Stage 3: Difficult to wake Up — Deep Sleep
Restorative State — tissue grows and repairs, hormones are released, memories are organized, the immune system and cellular energy are restored, and the brain empties out waste
Rapid Eye Movement REM (20-25%)
Stage 4: Rapid Eye Movement — Restorative Sleep
Dream State — your eyes race side to side, while your body enters paralysis for safety
How Much Sleep Do We Need?
The younger you are, the more sleep you need to develop and grow, recover and replenish brain cells. Infants and toddlers need the most sleep and calories. While, the opposite is true for the elderly.

What Happens When You Don’t Sleep?
Randy Gardner spent 11 days awake in 1964 as part of a school experiment under medical supervision. During his 264 hours and 24 minutes of restless torture, he experienced:
Difficulties with concentration, memory, and coordination
Hallucinations, paranoia, and mood swings
Cognitive and speech impairment
After the experiment, Randy Slept and made a full recovery

Don Cravens/Getty Images
Do You Suffer From…?
Insomnia — difficulties falling or staying asleep
Sleep Apnea — interruptions during sleep due to blocked airways
Narcolepsy — unexpected deep sleep
Restless Leg Syndrome — urge to move one’s legs due to uncomfortable sensations
Circadian Rhythm Disorder — disruptions in the sleep-wake cycle
Parasomnia — sleepwalking, night terrors
Hypersomnia — oversleeping not due to a lack of sleep
Sleep-Related Movement Disorder — uncontrollable movements during sleep
Shift Work Sleep Disorder — sleep issues due to changing work hours
REM Sleep Disorder — acting out dreams due to a lack of muscle paralysis
If you are getting enough sleep but still feel sleepy and tired during the day, you may have one of these disorders or diseases — consult your sleep doctor.
World Average For Nightly Sleep
Not getting enough sleep? Move to somewhere where sleeping is a part of the culture.
Humans sleep an average of 7.05 hours per night, and women sleep 11 more minutes than men.
Albanians are the biggest sleepers, while Filipinos are heavy undersleepers.
Overall Europeans get the most sleep.
While the Asian region gets the least sleep.
Japan has a workplace culture called Inemura 居眠り, where naps are okay on the job.
Inhale quietly through your nose for 4 seconds.
Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound, for 8 seconds.
Repeat this cycle 3x

The Best Sleep You’ll Ever Have
Set a Sleep Schedule. Wake up at the same time even on weekends
Establish a Nightly Routine.
Limit screen time 30 minutes to 1 hour before bedtime.
Whine down with relaxing easy stretches. Check out the routine in the workout section
Read a book to slow down your mind.
Practice meditation or easy breathing exercises.
Reflect on your day. Write or Visualize
Drink your last cup of caffeine 4-6 hours before bed.
Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed. Avoid acidic and spicy food
Keep your water intake to a minimum.
Use the bathroom before bedtime.
Schedule your phone to bedtime mode.
Try Chamomile, Lavender, or Valerian root tea.
Try melatonin to help you get to sleep and stay asleep.
Wear a sleep mask to eliminate light pollution.
Wear earbuds to cancel out unwanted noise.
Listen to calming music, white noise, or binary beats.
Keep your room cool. around 17 degrees Celsius
Use warm dim lighting or red light in your bedroom.
Make your bedroom a phone-free zone. Including T.Vs, tablets
Invest in comfortable bedding and pillows.
Other than Sleep, keep your bed for one thing only — Sex.
10-Minute Nightly Stretch
This 10-minute nightly stretch routine will help you relax, recover, improve flexibility, and promote better sleep.

Comment to tell us how you did.
Train With Overman 📲
Get Personal Fitness Advice with Expert Coach DC.
Set your sleep goals and track your hours.
Now available on Andriod in the Google Store.
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You’ve made it until the end‼️Click Below for
The 1 Sleep Book You Should Read 💤
Next Week: CAFFEINE FEINS | The Perspective #46
Why are we so reliant on caffeine?
How much is too much caffeine?
Other naturally occurring sources of caffeine
Before You Go, Here is 1️⃣ way I can help you
Get Fit with Expert Coaching Train with Overman 💪🏾
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Disclaimer: The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your circumstances. Overman Perspective Inc. does not provide medical, or licensed advice. Please get in touch with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.